Friday, August 1, 2014

PayPal Makes Liquidity Closer to the Center of PayPal

PayPal is focusing more on serving the liquidity needs of both consumers and businesses.  They are targeting directly the customers of banks who want faster, automated options that can be delivered online.  The greater focus by PayPal on liquidity needs is reflected by its re-branding announced this week of BillMeLater to PayPal Credit.

PayPal, which provides transaction services that rest on settlement to a bank checking account or credit card, already serves 6 out of 10 households in America.  PayPal already earns more in revenue on transactions than all banks under $5 Billion earn in total deposit service charges.  The largest revenue source for payments and retailers is liquidity, and PayPal’s move recognizes this key fact.  PayPal is expanding to serve both consumers and businesses under the broader brand name.

“We want to bring credit closer to the center of PayPal.”
Steve Allocca, PayPal Head of Global Credit
Others like PayPal are automating online delivery of liquidity and meeting transaction needs of consumers.  Financial institutions, however, mostly provide transaction credit with one service, at one price and delivered in one way:  overdrafts. 

Rather than watch PayPal and the growing number of online players such as FlexWage, Better Finance, Lending Club, Float Money and Lend Key steal bank transaction revenues, we recommend financial institutions provide their own online transaction credit for payments as alternative to overdrafts.  Our turn-key program, PaySound® does just that, and grows relationships, revenues and payment relevance for banks in the new mobile payments world.

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