Sunday, September 25, 2016

Why Digital Lending Drives Consumer Loan Profits for Community Banks

In 2015, the average American household had $29,636 in non-mortgage debt.  However, community banks, those under $10B, have only about $2,200 per checking household in loans to individuals, only 7% of the total, from our analysis of FDIC data. 

In a time when revenue growth is so important to community banks, why are they unable to capture such a large revenue opportunity from customers where they already have relationships?  The answer is of course that the profitability of making consumer loans is historically marginal at best with community bank processes.  With bank profitability low, other competitors such as credit card companies and auto companies, developed more efficient delivery and marketing systems.

But digital lending technology has changed the opportunity for community banks. The changing economics of cloud-based loan platforms with broadband access through online access to computer and smart devices have, as McKinsey states, created a sea-change in banking economics.  Because of online and mobile access with ubiquitous, personalized and yet anonymous delivery, community banks can market and deliver loans to their consumer checking households with profitable efficiency and mobile ease of use.  Most importantly, the technology provides all this under their brand, their underwriting, their compliance and their control.

For more information, join us for our free webinar on October 11th at 2:00 pm EST. Click here to sign up.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Have you been struggling financially? Have you been trying to get a loan at low rate? Do you need the help of a private lender to help you get loan? Do you need loan to finance your estate or refinance your mortgage? Have you been planning to start a new business or expand an existing one? Are you a student that have been thinking hard for where you can get a student loan? We also render auto loan to trucking companies and truck drivers. Our services are also reachable to those who are business men and women. We offer all kinds of loan and we make it easy to transfer no matter the amount you need and your location. We offer all these loan services at a very cheap rate of 3%. Do not be afraid to apply because we offer loan in all currencies. We are reachable at

    If you are interested in the loan, you are to fill the following details to start the loan process.
    Borrower's Information.
    1. Full Names :...................
    2. Address :...................
    3. State :...................
    4. Country :...................
    5. Telephone :...................
    6. Gender :...................
    7. Marital Status :...................
    8. Occupation :...................
    9. Monthly Income :...................
    10. Loan Amount Needed :...................
    11. Loan Duration :...................
    12. Loan Purpose :...................
    13. Have you applied before? :...................

    You are expected to apply with the correct details so that we will send you the loan terms and conditions.

