Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dollar Bank Offers No Overdraft Fee Account

Dollar Bank recognizes the growing trend of banked customers to use prepaid cards to avoid overdraft fees, and that they are losing transactions and revenues to these alternatives.  To fight back, they are offering "Perfect Prepaid Checking" with no overdraft fees.  It offers all the benefits of a prepaid card with no overdraft fees but the convenience of a checking account.

Research by FRB of Philadelphia shows that one-quarter of U.S. households now use prepaid, of which 80% are banked customers.  The reasons they use prepaid rather than their bank account is to avoid overdraft fees and control their spending for budgeting purposes.

It is time for your bank to offer this service but with also digital access and liquidity options beyond overdrafts.  Only on product offers all these features, PaySound.

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